Swarovski Crystal Color Chart

Please Note: 

The colors in the pictures for the Crystals & Pearls and Components shown on this website are to be used as a reference guide only. Variations can occur in Computers, Monitors, Printers and internet browsers, combined with the difficulty in photographing the Crystals and Pearls etc. We cannot guarantee that the colors in the picture will look exactly the same as the actual colors of the real crystal or pearl you receive, as there are always variations in the colors when going through production, this is not 100% consistent and can be different from batch to batch.

We try to have all the colors in stock, however as some are more popular than others, there may be a possibility that it is out of stock.  If this should be the case, it may take a bit longer to make your art creation, however we will email you to inform and keep you up to date of the situation.

Swarovski Crystal Color Chart

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